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Days Until Saturday, November 5, 2024 - General Election


Last Day to Register to Vote - Monday, October 7, 2024
Early Voting: Monday, October 21, 2024 - Friday, November 1, 2024

HomeBoard of Directors

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From the Board


The League of Women Voters of Denton works toward full and fair participation by all citizens in our democracy. Far too many citizens do not exercise their right to vote. Our purpose in the League is to encourage the citizens of Denton to recognize the impact of elections on public policy issues they care about and to become informed participants in the affairs of our community. The League is a multi-issue, grassroots volunteer organization of concerned women and men working together to better understand and influence the issues that affect us, our families, and our future. We hope you enjoy our site and make use of the information we provide!


If you care about the issues that affect you and our community, state and country and would like an opportunity to discuss today’s issues with other concerned citizens in spirited, nonpartisan conversations, please consider joining the League and making a difference!


Affirmed at June 3, 2023 Annual Meeting for terms expiring:


Co-President: Jan Johnson (2025)
Co-President: Linnie McAdams (2025)
Vice President Program: Robbie Sittel (2024)
Vice President Organization: Sandy Swan (2025)
Vice President Community Relations: Vacant (2024)
Secretary: Donna Zelisko (2025)
Treasurer: Chris Marion (2024)
Director: Sue Smith (2024)
Director: Louise Griffith (2025)
Director: Vacant (2025)

Nominating Committee: Judy Giese


Website/VOTE411: Mark Coomes

Voter Editor (newsletter): Vacant



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President / Co-President
President / Co-President

The President and Co-President speak for the League. Media inquiries may be made to these board members.

Contact LWV Denton President

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Membership Team
Membership Team

The Vice President Program engages members to be active through advocacy, program planning and sustaining renewals.

The Secretary determines quorum at annual meeting while the Treasurer reconciles new and renewing membership dues payments in addition to monetary donations.

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Web Services Team
Web Services Team

The Vice President Organization assures several functions occur including accurate, timely and factual information through media both print and electronic.

An ex-officio member of the board facilitates the website and the Denton County portion of VOTE411.

Contact LWV Denton Web Services

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Voter Services Team
Voter Services Team

The Vice President Community Relations is the go to board member for all things voter registration and voting. Not doing all this alone, the Denton Vote Group has an ex-officio seat on the board. The biggest impact the League makes is in registering voters and getting them to the polls.

Contact LWV Denton Voter Services

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General Inquiries
General Inquiries

For general inquiries use the form on the Contact Us page.

For detailed questions or to comment on the web site use this form: Ask a Question. Make a Comment.

Note: non-members may be prompted to create an account to use forms. Members should use their login. This is a security measure for League officers receiving the form. Information collected is for the purpose of replying to members and non-members. Non-member information may be deleted at periodic intervals.

Users may send Email to These messages are sent to a mail box to be vetted and routed to the best League officer for response. Replies may be delayed using this option.



The most important person in the League is YOU! Join Today!






OutreachCircle: LWV Denton in Action


LWV Denton

PO Box 2544

Denton,  TX  76202

EIN 75-6056666